Common Auto Accident Spine Injuries

Discover common auto accident spine injuries. Dr. Pasquale X Montesano offers surgical and nonsurgical solutions to fit your needs.

The human spine is an incredible structure that allows for a full range of movement from bending to twisting to rotating. This complex structure can also be delicate, especially when exposed to an abrupt, large impact, such as during an auto accident.

All parts of your spine can suffer damage following an accident. While your pain may be limited in the initial days, injuries to the back or neck can lead to long term pain and other complications.

Some common spine injuries that require professional medical evaluation include:

  • Whiplash (Common during rear-end collisions)
  • Spinal Fractures (Off diagnosed on-scene)
  • Spondylolisthesis (When vertebrae shift out of place)
  • Disc Herniation (Discs absorb most of the impact to the spine)

If you’re experiencing pain following an auto accident, it’s important to have it examined before the problem worsens. Relieve pain. Restore mobility. And make me your top choice for spine surgery.

Fill out the form below to schedule your first consultation with Montesano Spine and Sport.

Common Auto Accident Spine Injuries

Contact Montesano Spine & Sport to Schedule a Consultation